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Read articleThere have been a lot of discussions about who has the best bodyparts in the entire history of bodybuilding, including the best legs. Tim Wilkins, Terrick El Guindy, and Chris Cormier take up that topic as part of a recent episode of Prime Time Muscle, over at the Olympia TV YouTube channel. Wilkins opened the discussion with parameters of what was being considered.
He said, “it could be size, it could be quality, it could be both.” El Guindy said the legs had to be massive, shredded, and dense. He then shared his first nominee.
“The greatest legs of all time, and it hasn’t gotten better, the only guy in the world with those legs is Tom Platz.”
El Guindy went on to nominate Paul De Mayo as a possible second-place nominee, followed by two-time Arnold Classic champion Branch Warren. Cormier had a great lower body in his own right and felt he should be part of the conversation.
“Before you were even alive, there was something called Musclemag International,” he told El Guindy. “I was voted three years in a row with the best legs. You could stick a quarter in the deep cuts of my quads.”
Other names that were thrown into the mix were a pair of Mr. Olympia winners – eight-time champion Ronnie Coleman, and seven-time Sandow Trophy holder Phil Heath. Cormier expressed support for Coleman particularly with an observation he saw first-hand.
“He started out with some of the smallest legs in bodybuilding and ended up with some of the biggest.”
So, who do you feel has the best legs in bodybuilding? Let the guys know in the comments or by tagging them with your picks on social media. To see and comment on this episode as well as all other episodes of Prime Time Muscle, subscribe to the Olympia TV YouTube channel, where new episodes are shared every week. You can also see more great shows such as The Fit Rockstar Show and Femme Flex Friday