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Read articleIFBB Pro League women’s bodybuilder and 2017 Rising Phoenix world champion Helle Trevino made a guest appearance on The Fit Rockstar Show with host Isabelle Turell as well as fellow bodybuilders Chelsea Dion and Gina Cavaliero, and she made a personal announcement near the end of the episode.
“The news is I’m not going to be competing this year.”
Trevino had been a fixture in the sport for nearly a decade, having competed at least once every year since 2014. Her signature win could be the Rising Phoenix victory six years ago, but she was still very competitive as recently as 2022, when she placed third at the Ms. Olympia contest. Turell expressed doubt about Trevino sticking to it, and asked if the itch would get to her to jump back onstage, which Trevino declined.
“I don’t think so this year,” she said.
No official reason was offered for her intention to skip the season, but she did talk about recovering from an injury and temporarily relocating to Dubai, UAE earlier in the show. It’s also unknown if or when Trevino would compete in 2024. Since Trevino won’t be entering any shows this year, Turell asked her who her pick would be for the Ms. Olympia this year, and Trevino answered very clearly.
“I think Andrea (Shaw) is going to win again. I don’t really see anyone else on her level yet.”
To see this full episode as well as future episodes of The Fit Rockstar Show, subscribe to the Olympia TV YouTube channel and turn on notifications so you can catch the show every Saturday at 12 Noon Eastern time. You can also share your thoughts and comments on the show as well as watch other great content such as Prime Time Muscle, Femme Flex Friday, and more. You can follow @fitrockstarshow on Instagram as well.